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We Produce Creative Body Compositions

In the Dance and Drama class, María José Rojas Garcés, through the development of different exercises, understood and worked on several emotions. assisted by her father who is a former student of the school. By reflecting upon her inner world and expressing how she lives and what happens around her, this allowed her to know herself better, satisfy her needs and desires, and understand many of her behaviors. 

Emotions or feelings are very important in our lives.

By being aware of and recognizing them, students perform movement sequences where they show their emotions, through videos that clearly demonstrate the art of composing a dance with a defined structure:

  1. Beginning

  2. Development

  3. End

Resumen: Creamos Composiciones Corporales Creativas

En la clase de Dance and Drama, María José Rojas Garcés, a través del desarrollo de diferentes ejercicios, comprendió  y ejecutó varias emociones de la mano de su padre quien es exalumno del colegio. Reflejando su mundo interno expresando cómo vive y que sucede a su alrededor. Esto le permitió conocerse mejor, satisfacer sus necesidades y deseos, y comprender muchos de sus comportamientos. 

Las emociones o los sentimientos son muy importantes en nuestra vida.

Al ser conscientes y reconocerlas, los estudiantes realizan secuencias de movimiento donde muestran sus emociones, a través de videos que evidencian claramente el arte de componer una danza con una estructura definida:

  1. Home

  2. Nudo

  3. Desenlace

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Inspiring and educating students to take charge of their lives with the world in mind. 

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