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Proyectos de Solidaridad


Fundación Operación Sonrisa
Bogotá D.C.

¿Sabías que con una pequeña acción puedes cambiar por completo el futuro de un niño?


El Colegio Rochester, en un proyecto solidario que involucra a toda la comunidad, se ha propuesto apoyar a la Fundación Operación Sonrisa Colombia. Porque no todos tenemos las mismas oportunidades, y compartir es mucho más que abrir el corazón, te invitamos a conocer esta entidad orientada a atender a niños de poblaciones vulnerables, que presentan condiciones de labio y paladar hendido.

In Colombia, approximately 1,000 children are born each year with this pathology. More than a question of physical appearance, we are talking about difficulties in eating, communicating and socializing. With the support provided to Fundación Operación Sonrisa, we help these little ones enjoy new life opportunities that favor their proper development.

En el Rochester sabemos que una sola buena acción puede mejorar todo, ¡ayúdanos a hacer realidad esos sueños!


Personal Emprendedor
Chía, Cundinamarca 

En el Rochester no se deja de lado a nadie. Por eso nos comprometemos con el bienestar de cada uno de nuestros trabajadores, y queremos devolver el cariño que nuestros alumnos reciben de ellos cada día.

Through education and entrepreneurship-oriented training, we seek to improve the quality of life of these employees in the areas of infrastructure and food. It is tremendously satisfying to see that some of them have even started their own businesses after these experiences.


Be part of this joy and join this cause!


Calamidad del Personal
Chía, Cundinamarca

Supporting our employees in the areas of infrastructure and food also means being present when they need it most. Through the "Personal Calamity" program, we seek to help those who are going through complex health situations or are in a situation of domestic calamity.

In our school, being a systemic citizen implies considering the other at all times and that is why we invite you to be part of an initiative that benefits the people who day by day, and with special affection, watch over the care of our students.

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