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The Future of Education: Digital Learning by Sarah Jimenez – Tenth Grade

Sarah Jimenez, a student from 10th grade, wrote an exceptional essay where she expresses her reasons for why the future of education lies in Digital Learning. In her essay, Sarah demonstrates her knowledge of essay writing and her skills in researching and referencing her findings by giving credits to those who deserve it. To reach Mastery level, Sarah used the rubric provided in Schoology for this task and consistently verified the parameters.  She was able to research and reference her work and also followed all APA guidelines for her paper. Additionally, she included a great hook and chose a relevant topic for today’s global issues, a clear thesis statement, and a well-developed body. Sarah did an outstanding job and obtained a Mastery Level. We are looking forward to more written assignments from Sarah and encourage her to keep up the excellent work. We invite the community to enjoy Sarah’s essay and congratulate her on her achievements!

Richard Moreno  High School English Teacher

Resumen: Invitamos a la comunidad a disfrutar del ensayo escrito por Sarah Jimenez, grado Noveno quien nos compartió información sobre el futuro de la educación. Sarah usó niveles altos de pensamiento crítico y analitico en su ensayo, al igual que  investigó y uso todos los requisitos “APA” en su ensayo. ¡Felicitamos a Sarah por sus logros! 

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