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New Apprenticeships in Third Grade 2023-2024

During these first weeks of this year 2023 – 2024, the third grade students have had the opportunity to participate in an English class full of new learning and new activities. 

First, the students have identified vocabulary related to “Taking Care” or caring for themselves and others. In order to create an image of the words they have learned, the students made a Pictionary with magazines. They chose the magazine clippings that for them best represented the image of one of the words related to Taking Care. 

Below are some of the Pictionaries made by the third graders:

On the other hand, we have also worked on the difference between before and after. The students were able to create sentences in context about the activities they do before and after school. For this, the students made a timeline, in which they had to draw the things they do before, during and after school. 

In this section, you can see the timelines that the students created: 

In addition, you can find some videos in which you can see the students commenting on the activities they do before and after school. In these short videos, students answer the following question: What activities do you do before and after school? 

We hope that this year will continue to be full of new learning and innovative activities that can highlight the skills of our students and that they can continue to create great things.

Gabriela Cáceres Teacher of Real World English 3rd Grade


Durante estas primeras semanas de este año 2023 – 2024, los estudiantes de segundo grado han tenido la oportunidad de poder participar en una clase de inglés llena de nuevos aprendizajes y actividades novedosas. 

Primero, los estudiantes han comprendido el vocabulario relacionado a “Taking Care” o al cuidado tanto de ellos mismos como de los otros. Para poder crear una imagen sobre las palabras que ellos han aprendido, los estudiantes realizaron un Pictionary con revistas. Ellos eligieron los recortes de revista que para ellos mejor representan la imagen de alguna de las palabras relacionadas a Taking Care. 

A continuación se presentan algunos de los Pictionary realizados por los estudiantes de segundo: 

Además, podrán encontrar algunos videos en los cuales se puede ver a los estudiantes comentando sobre las actividades que realizan antes y después del colegio. En estos cortos videos, los estudiantes responden a la siguiente pregunta: What activities do you do before and after school? 

Esperamos que este año siga estando lleno de nuevos aprendizajes y actividades innovadoras que puedan destacar las habilidades de nuestros estudiantes y que ellos puedan seguir creando grandes cosas. 

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Inspiring and educating students to take charge of their lives with the world in mind. 

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