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Major Achievements of the Service Leadership

Twelfth Grade students through the Service Leadership course have found an ideal space to serve the community with great enthusiasm, generosity, responsibility, integrity and creativity on the following fronts:

  1. Support for the Learning Resource Center (CRA).

  2. garden maintenance

  3. Infrastructure and cleaning personal support

  4. furniture manufacturing

  5. Paint

  6. workshop

  7. connection room

  8. Service in the dining room

Some summarize their experience like this:

“I liked learning things with Miguel and being able to provide assistance and support for the care and maintenance of the school.” Nicole Munevar

*The theory that we see and the processes that are carried out in the connection room are pragmatic and useful since they are logical”. Emanuel Melgarejo

“What I like the most about the class is the work that is done, since one helps with the maintenance of the school and at the same time helps the infrastructure personnel.” Simón chavez

“The impact of this specific service has helped me develop skills such as patience, organization, as well as learning the system used in most libraries to find information. It seems to me that the latter is the most important because it is super useful for life. Daniella Silva

Eleventh grade students, through the Service Leadership course, have found an ideal space to serve the community with great enthusiasm, generosity, responsibility, integrity and creativity on the following fronts:

  1. Support for the Learning Resource Center (LRC).

  2. Garden maintenance

  3. Infrastructure and housekeeping staff support

  4. Furniture manufacturing

  5. Painting

  6. Workshop work

  7. Connecting room

  8. Dining room service

Some summarize their experience as follows:

“Me ha gustado aprender cosas con Miguel y poder servir de asistencia y apoyo para el cuidado y mantenimiento del colegio”. Nicole Munevar

*La teoría que vemos y los procesos que se llevan a cabo en el salón de conexión son pragmáticos y útiles ya que son lógicos”. Emmanuel Melgarejo

“Lo que más me gusta de la clase es el trabajo que se hace, ya que uno ayuda con el mantenimiento del colegio y a la vez ayuda al personal de infraestructura”. Simón Chávez 

“El impacto de este servicio específico me ha ayudado a desarrollar habilidades como la paciencia, la organización, además de aprender el sistema que se utiliza en la mayoría de bibliotecas para encontrar información. Me parece que está última es la más importante porque es súper útil para toda la vida”. Daniella Silva

Celina Maria Rojas Diaz

Religion coordinator 

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Inspiring and educating students to take charge of their lives with the world in mind. 

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