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Learning to Solve Addition and Substraction Problems – Math Class – Kindergarten

Our Pi Day

Our Kindergarten students have learned to solve addition and subtraction problems using different methods such as number bonds, ten frames, number lines, finger counting, cubes, and concrete material.

During last Pi day on March 14th, they presented to parents, peers, and teachers different ways to solve addition and subtraction as follows:

-Kinder A demonstrated solutions using the ten frame and a bowling game.

-Kinder B used the number line to solve additions and subtractions.

-Kinder C played a game with UNO cards and problem solving with number bonds.

In addition to showing their logical-mathematical skills, they were able to develop leadership and cooperation skills.

A motor circuit was also organized where several students demonstrated their motor and visual memory skills and abilities.

Stephanie Guinand, Diana González and Sandra Rosero

Resumen: Nuestro DÃ

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