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Historic Weather Events

Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Floods, Heat Waves, Wildfires...

Fifth graders in Real World English class explored a variety of extreme weather events, choosing a historic weather event to research and present. From the Great Hurricane of 1780 in the Caribbean to the 2022 Floods in Pakistan, students looked at causes and effects of these events. They used diagrams to compare hurricanes and tornadoes, and used digital technology to collaborate on their research reports. The unit coincided with hurricane season, and we tracked with great interest and concern the formation of Tropical Storm Ian as it grew into a Hurricane and then made landfall in Florida.

Huracanes, tornados, inundaciones, olas de calor, incendios forestales…

Fifth graders in the Real World English class explored a variety of extreme weather events, choosing a historical weather event to research and present. From the Great Hurricane of 1780 in the Caribbean to the 2022 floods in Pakistan, students analyzed the causes and effects of these phenomena. They used diagrams to compare hurricanes and tornadoes, and used digital technology to collaborate on their research reports. The unit coincided with hurricane season, and we followed with great interest and concern the formation of Tropical Storm Ian, which became a hurricane and then made landfall in Florida.

Heidi Scholtz

Real World English Class 

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