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Establishment of the Student Council

We wish to inform the entire academic community that we have been able to establish the main mechanism for student participation: the Student Council, which was established with virtual votes through Zoom Assemblies last week. We thank all the candidates who, from Fourth to Twelfth Grade, demonstrated, through their incredible speeches, the application of our Virtues Development Program. Congratulations! 

Additionally, through the presentation of their proposals they managed to demonstrate their integrity and being systemic when thinking and acting, in the contexts where they belong. It is a great achievement for our community that our students can exercise their rights, create spaces for democracy and show their learning.

We also want to value the support that both Family Coordinators, Mentors and Relations and Academic Directors provided to the Social Sciences teachers, who led this democratic process in their respective grades.

The Student Council is now structured as follows:

Congratulations to these new Representatives! We invite you to work representing student interests and we hope you become the channel to represent Rochester students in the decision-making processes of our community.

Milena Caballero Social Sciences Curriculum Coordinator 

Resumen: Queremos informar a toda la comunidad académica que logramos la conformación del principal mecanismo de participación de los estudiantes: el Consejo Estudiantil. Este se estableció gracias a las votaciones virtuales de la Asamblea realizadas a través de Zoom durante la última semana. 

Agradecemos a todos los candidatos que desde los grados Tercero a Undécimo, demostraron a través de sus discursos la aplicación de los valores del Programa de Virtudes del Colegio. También, queremos valorar el apoyo de los Coordinadores de Familia, Mentores y Directores de Relaciones y Académicas, a los Docentes del Área de Ciencias Sociales, quienes lideraron este proceso democrático en sus respectivos grados.

¡Felicitaciones a los nuevos representantes! Los Invitamos a trabajar por los intereses de los estudiantes. Esperamos que sean el canal para que los estudiantes del Rochester se sientan representados en los procesos de toma de decisiones de nuestra comunidad.

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