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Welcome Message – Principalship

It is a pleasure to welcome our 928 families to the school year 2020 – 2021. Please receive our best wishes for this year. May God be with us every day and provide us and our families with health and wellness.

A special welcome to our new students from PreK to 11ºth Grade and our Seniors 2021! Dear Seniors: We feel proud of how far you have come, and now, in your last year of school, we encourage you to be the best version of yourselves and may all your wishes come true. 

This year starts with the challenge of Home Learning, a challenge the Faculty Team is ready to turn into a myriad of amazing learning opportunities. We are here to make the most out of our Zoom sessions, have fun, feel safe and valued, feel important and be part of a huge family: our dear Rochester School. As our anthem says: May God keep us together and guide us through the paths of wisdom…

Due to the life changing experiences over the the past few months, we have chosen three values for all of us to keep in our minds and hearts, reminding us to keep the faith no matter how hard it seems: Optimism, Gratefulness and Caring. Optimism for us to believe in ourselves and all we are capable of achieving; Gratefulness for us to always be aware of those angels who keep us company  today and always, and for us to be attentive to the gifts of life and beauty of all that surrounds us; and Caring, for us to make sure we treat others as we would like to be treated and for us to know that kindness is in the heart of everything we do.

This year starts with the promise of giving our best with optimism, gratefulness and caring as we fulfill our Institutional Purpose: Inspiring and educating students to take charge of their lives with the world in mind!

This is a beautiful prayer we want to share with all of you:

Ojalá tengas siempre un Ãngel a tu lado. Que te guarde en todo lo que haces. Que te dé confianza en el amanecer que viene. Que te guÃ

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Inspiring and educating students to take charge of their lives with the world in mind. 

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