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Virtue of the month: Integral Health

Welcome 2020! We hope this new year finds you healthy and ready to fulfill all your resolutions and goals. Let’s wish for integral health along the year ahead keeping in mind Glasser´s definition about mental health and happiness:

You are mentally healthy if you enjoy being with most of the people you know, especially with the important people in your life such as family, (…) partners and friends. Generally, you are happy and are more than willing to help an unhappy family member, friend, or colleague to feel better. You lead a mostly tension-free life, laugh a lot, and rarely suffer from the aches and pains that so many people accept as an unavoidable part of living. You enjoy life and have no trouble accepting other people who think and act differently from you. It rarely occurs to you to criticize or try to change anyone. If you have differences with someone else you will try to work out the problem; if you can’t you will walk away before you argue and increase the difficulty. You are creative in what you attempt and may enjoy more of your potential than you ever thought possible. Finally, even in very difficult situations when you are unhappy – no one can be happy all the time – you’ll know why you are unhappy and attempt to do something about it. You may even be physically handicapped as was Christopher Reeve, and still fit the criteria above. For more information, please click on the following attachment.

For further information on Glasser’s ideas about mental health, we kindly invite you to read his book “Defining Mental Health as a Public Health Issueâ€. You’ll find it by clicking in the download book button.

Pamela Ospina /Virtues Development Curriculum Coordinator

Resumen: ¡Bienvenido 2020! Esperamos que este año esté lleno de salud y felicidad para cumplir todos sus propósitos y deseos. Les deseamos salud integral a lo largo del año y los invitamos a revisar la definición de William Glasser sobre salud mental y felicidad, la cual nos dice que somos mentalmente sanos si disfrutamos la compañÃ

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