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An Educational Journey towards Innovation: The Rochester School and its Non-Traditional Methodology.

In an ever-changing world, education must evolve to prepare new generations of leaders, citizens and thinkers. Rochester College, with its innovative and creative approach, stands out as a beacon of light in today's educational landscape. In this article, we will explore the non-traditional methodology that characterizes this institution and how it translates into meaningful and lasting learning for its students.

Trilingualism for Global Communication:

In an increasingly interconnected world, mastering more than one language has become an essential skill. At Rochester School, trilingualism is encouraged, with an emphasis on English, French or Portuguese, giving students a competitive edge and enabling them to function with confidence in a global environment.

Useful Learning for Life and the World:

Beyond memorizing facts, Rochester College focuses on meaningful learning that prepares students to face real-world challenges. Through the application of knowledge in social, environmental and sustainable projects, young people develop practical skills and a sense of responsibility to the community and the environment.

Virtues: Values in Action:

The integral formation of students goes beyond the acquisition of academic knowledge. Rochester School cultivates virtues such as empathy, responsibility and solidarity, turning values into concrete actions in their daily lives. This creates a school community committed to the well-being of all.

Accredited by CIS: A Seal of Educational Quality:

Academic excellence and educational quality are fundamental pillars at Rochester School. Being accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS) ensures that the institution meets the highest international standards in education and provides students with a first class educational experience.

Rochester School, a Space for Creativity and Growth:

The School presents itself as a unique and enriching space, where non-traditional methodology, the promotion of values, a focus on sustainability and trilingualism converge to form the leaders of the future. Here, students learn to be citizens committed to happiness, success and the positive transformation of the world.

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