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The Cotton Top Tamarin Makes Friends Around the World – Kindergarten – Integrated Projec

“In kindergarten we have been working on our integrated project: The Titi Monkey makes friends around the world.

Every two weeks our Titi monkey travels to a different country. This week, he traveled to Finland. The students worked on several activities to develop critical thinking skills, fine motor skills, cooperative work and pre-writing. The children did an experiment using ice, sugar and salt, colored the flag of Finland and traced letters and drew pictures of different shapes using sensory material that looked like snow.

The children had fun learning and exploring.”

Sandra Milena Rosero Botina Kindergarten C Family Coordinator

Resumen:En jardín hemos trabajado en nuestro proyecto integrado: El Mono Tití hace amigos alrededor del mundo.

Cada dos semanas nuestro mono Tití Cabeciblanco viaja a un país diferente. Esta semana, viajó a Finlandia. Los estudiantes trabajaron en varias actividades para desarrollar habilidades de pensamiento crítico, motricidad fina, trabajo cooperativo y preescritura. Los niños hicieron un experimento usando hielo, azúcar y sal, colorearon la bandera de Finlandia y trazaron letras e hicieron dibujos de diferentes formas usando material sensorial que parecía nieve.

Los niños se divirtieron aprendiendo y explorando.



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Inspiring and educating students to take charge of their lives with the world in mind. 

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