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Rhythmic Pregraphy Skills

Rhythmic Pregraphy is the preparatory work for musical rhythmic literacy. To work on this skill, Pre-kindergarten students in their Art Education class explored accent, pulse, and subdivision through the body with the song “Somos Gigantes”; and then interpreted it on minor percussion instruments, like drums, tambourine and woodblock. This same activity was transferred to paper, interpreting the movement and rhythm of each character in the song, thus performing Rhythmic Pregraphy. About the Artistic Education class:

The subject of Artistic Education, in Pre-Kindergarten, contributes to the integral formation of children through aesthetic-expressive skills where they have the possibility of exploring and discovering their musical, dance and visual abilities. This interdisciplinary experience unfolds the opportunity to develop skills, understand feelings and build basic concepts in all dimensions, based on fun, fantasy, creation and play, using methodological tools such as Orff-Schulwerk, the creative movement and multisensory stimulation, among others.

Rhythmic Pregraphy

La Pregrafía Rítmica es el trabajo preparatorio a la grafía rítmica musical. Para trabajar esta habilidad, los estudiantes de prejardín dentro de su clase de Educación Artística, exploraron a través del cuerpo el acento, el pulso y la subdivisión con la canción “Somos Gigantes”; para luego, interpretarlo en los instrumentos de percusión menor, como el tambor, la pandereta y la cajita china. Esta misma actividad se trasladó al papel, interpretando el movimiento y el ritmo de cada personaje de la canción, realizando así, la Pregrafía Rítmica. 

The subject of Art Education, in Pre-Kindergarten, contributes to the integral formation of children through aesthetic-expressive competencies where they have the opportunity to explore and discover their musical, dance and visual abilities. This interdisciplinary experience provides the opportunity to develop skills, understand feelings and build basic concepts in all dimensions, based on fun, fantasy, creation and play, using methodological tools such as Orff-Schulwerk, creative movement and multisensory stimulation, among others.

Art Education Team

Carolina Jimenez, Marcela López & Sandra Salcedo



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Inspiring and educating students to take charge of their lives with the world in mind. 

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