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Moving like Tropical Forest Animals

This trimester, we got the opportunity to learn about different species that live in the Tropical Rain Forest as part of our English and Integrated project curricula. We learned about their habitat and some facts about what makes these animals unique. In English and project class, we discovered animal’s names, their body parts, and some fun facts. We got to practice these by making arts and crafts, games and movement activities.

For this reason, we decided to integrate this topic with IVL and P.E. classes. Through cooperative work, Pre-Kinder students and teachers were able to enjoy from different movement circuits where we had to face obstacles acting out like tropical forest animals.

Let's Jump like Amazon Jungle frogs, crawl like boa snakes, run fast like jaguars. Through these fun and engaging activities, we got to consolidate the information we learned by facing different challenges and obstacles.

Mariana Granados Wilson Mesa PK


Moving as Tropical Dry Forest Animals

Este trimestre tuvimos la oportunidad de aprender sobre diferentes especies que viven en el Bosque Seco Tropical como parte del currículo de la clase de Inglés y proyecto integrado. Aprendimos sobre este hábitat, y los animales que viven allí, también sobre qué hace a estos animales únicos. En clase de Inglés y proyecto integrado descubrimos los nombres de estos animales, sus partes del cuerpo y algunos datos curiosos sobre ellos. Pusimos en práctica este conocimiento a través de manualidades, juegos y movimiento.

For this reason, we decided to integrate this topic with the IVL and Physical Education classes. Through cooperative work, students and teachers were able to enjoy different movement circuits where we had to face obstacles and act as rainforest animals.

Saltemos como ranas de la Selva Amazónica, arrastrémonos como boas, corramos rápido como Jaguares. A través de estas actividades fascinantes y divertidas pudimos consolidar la información aprendida al enfrentar diferentes obstáculos.

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