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Message From our School´s President

Greeting to all. Due to the increase in the contagious risk of the COVID-19 and the recommendation by the local and national authorities, we have decided to cancel or suspend all institucional events of great attendance by parents, relatives, and visitors, during the months of March and April, as well as other measures as follow:

  1.  All local or international field trips outside of school are suspended, including flight-based trips inside and outside of Colombia.

  2. The student that just came back from an international flight will stay at home during a week before coming back to school if he or she does not have any flu-like symptoms.

  3. We will considerably increase the disinfection routines of the whole campus. We will accomplish it through an industrial nebulizer for disinfection used 2-3 times a week, the water fountains’ disinfection 3 times per day, guided hand washing before lunch and after recess, presumed infected personnel will be asked to leave the campus, greeting each other through the elbow or a bow, as well as many other strategies to avoid infection and to stay healthy.

Cancel the following events: 

  * March 15 – Pre-Saber 11th done by ICFES, students should use disinfecting gel or wash their hands before eating and during breaks just before restarting, as well as drinking water. 

  * March 17: Pi Day will be done with activities at school without parents and at home for families. (We will still have the butterflies event promoted by the Parents Association).

  * March 18 & 20: UNCOLI Dance rehearsal and Festival cancelled. 

  * March 20: Chingaza 11th (10º) cancelled. 

  * March 24: Relationships Field Trip of 4th A (3º A) cancelled. 

  * March 27: Field trip to downtown for 11th (10º) cancelled. 

  * April 4-12, Holy Week: We highly recommend not to fly by airplane nationally and internationally (recomendamos altamente no viajar en avión en Semana Santa).

  * April 17-18: Olga León de Aljure Swimming Cup cancelled. 

  * April 20-22 and other days in April: Participation in Preschool Visual Arts Festival cancelled. 

  * April 22: Earth Day and Green Apple Day of Service will be done with some activities at school with students and at home for families. 

  * April 23: Languages Show & Tell Day will be done with activities at school without parents and at home for families. 

  * April 24: UNCOLI Dance Festival for Elementary cancelled.

  * April 25: TOEFL iBT for 11th grade at Sabana University could be done with a disinfection protocol. 

Please do not alert your kinds excessively because every year more people die due to air pollution than from sickness due to virus and bacteria. We want them to learn how to take care of their integral health preventively through exercise, sleep, food and relationships. 

Thank you all for your collaboration. We will advise you of any relevant changes. Your family coordinators and directors can provide more detailed information. 

Please find attached our policy for this specific pandemia. 


Juan Pablo Aljure President Rochester Educational Foundation Inspiring and educating students to take charge of their lives



Querida comunidad: 

Un saludo caluroso para todos. Debido al aumento de riesgo en el contagio del COVID-19 y a las recomendaciones de las autoridades competentes, hemos decidido cancelar o suspender los eventos masivos institucionales durante los meses de marzo y abril, al igual que otras medidas que menciono a continuación:

– Quedan suspendidas todas las salidas pedagógicas locales o internacionales o eventos de varios estudiantes que requieran viajar en avión dentro o fuera de Colombia.

– Estudiante que haya estado de viaje en avión fuera de Colombia, permanecerá en casa una semana antes de volver al colegio, si no tiene sÃ

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Inspiring and educating students to take charge of their lives with the world in mind. 

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