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“Meet the Explorers”, by our Sixth Grade Students

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This year, Middle School students have been working with an amazing book series from National Geographic as their textbooks for Real World English. In these books, different explorers are showcased in each unit representing the main topic for the lessons. After developing different activities over the past months, Sixth grade students have been able to amazingly make different connections with the context, Underwater Exploration, and our Real Life Competencies in different ways:

  1. Technology Use: By researching, creating posters and presentations

  2. Inquiry Thinking and Acting: By making predictions, inferring according to a text, being curious about topics introduced in class

  3. Ecological Competence: Through underwater discoveries and the research done by scientists; students have made connections with what is needed for conservation, gain knowledge about the different discoveries, and propose suggestions

  4. Analysis and Assessment of Self: The different explorers have become examples for the students in terms of what it means to go after your dreams.  They read about how their passions have become their driving force and used their example to self-evaluate and identify different traits in themselves that will become their strengths.

  5. Language Competency and Leading: By applying the different skills, (Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking) students were able to share their ideas and opinions on the topic of underwater exploration and ask questions that came up while working on the different activities.

As a wrap-up of our work, students creatively designed their own “National Geographic Explorer’s Page”, introdcing themselves, and a quote with which they truly identify. Some might say they are the words they choose to live by. Being able to know yourself, to identify your strengths and use examples from others, as well as the knowledge gained throughout your life is in no way an easy feat. Thus, we celebrate our sixth graders who have become Real Life Explorers in their own terms. We also acknowledge their accomplishments in applying Real Life Competencies throughout this unit in their productions with the knowedge acquired. Congratulations and keep up the excellent work! 

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Los estudiantes de Quinto grado han venido realizando diversas actividades creativas con el apoyo de sus libros de texto de la serie National Geographic. Durante esta última unidad tuvieron la posibilidad de poner en práctica su conocimiento y aprender del ejemplo de exploradores submarinos, realizando investigación y autoanálisis para lograr reconocer en sí mismos sus fortalezas y aspectos a cultivar. Logran reconocerse un poco más gracias a las conexiones realizadas con las Competencias Útiles para la vida que promueve el colegio, los diferentes descubrimientos realizados en nuestros océanos, la historia detrás de ellos, así como de las conexiones realizadas con su propio contexto. ¡Felicitaciones a nuestros estudiantes de Quinto grado por sus grandes logros durante esta unidad!

Carolina Ramírez Sixth Grade Real World English Teacher

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