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Let’s Celebrate Six Weeks of Home Learning

March seems very far away. Remember the uncertainty of not knowing what was going to happen and all of sudden we were all isolated in quarantine at home? We have come a long way… And we are present, here and now. Studying in the comfort of our homes. Protected and cared by our loved ones. Our school is not a building anymore. Our school is the living room, the dining room, the balcony, the bed, the study room. Our school is anywhere and everywhere!

What a joy it has been to know that we, together, have overcome this tremendous challenge and our senses are looking into a future that is still uncertain. Our “new normal life†has taught us many things that we didn’t know about ourselves, the things we are capable of and the innovation we have created, together.

Today, April the 30th, we have accomplished a million dreams we never thought we could achieve… Let’s celebrate the joy of learning in a new unprecedented way. We mastered zoom meetings, we understood the benefits of Schoology, we have used our technology devices in creative ways, but most of all, we have learned! We invite you to celebrate six weeks of Home Learning, sharing with our community this picture collages from every level, where face expressions and still images show our students and teachers having fun, enjoying the teaching – learning process and being mesmerized by distant but cozy classes.

We congratulate our students, teachers, parents and administration staff who have supported and dived into this new way of understanding education. Thanks for six weeks of growth mindsets! May thoughts of optimism and wellness continue to inspire us all!

Educational Directors Team


marzo parece muy lejano. ¿Recuerdan la incertidumbre de no saber qué iba a pasar y de repente estábamos todos en casa? Hemos recorrido un largo camino y estamos presentes, aquÃ

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