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Learning the Swift Programming Language – Computer Science – High School

Our Computer Science (CS) students have the opportunity to go through the Apps Programming pathway, a series of courses spanning from 9th to 11th grade, where the goal is to learn the Swift programming language, a modern high-level language used as a powerful tool to develop apps for the Apple ecosystem: iPad, macOS, iPhone, etc.

The courses are centered around mandatory projects that, starting in 10th grade, produce simple apps no different from the ones that can be found in the Apple Store. When a student learns faster than the course pace, they are commended to program an additional project designed to keep them engaged in the subject while strengthening their skills. That is the case of Nicolás Sefair, from 10th grade, who developed one of those additional projects.

He developed an app called a “click counter†which consists of a counter, starting at zero, that can be toggled at intervals of one by pressing one of two buttons: one to increment and another to decrement the counter. The app shows the current count on-screen and changes the background color in a precise cyclic order when the counter grows -red, blue, black, and pink. It goes in the reverse order when the counter decreases. For the curious ones, these colors are determined via the modulo 4 mathematical operator.

This app is an example of the work our students do in CS classes at school: small projects that teach them the basics of an activity from a booming field, complement their math formation and can be channeled into a highly profitable career in their future.

Margarita Palacios Computer Science Teacher

Resumen: Nuestros estudiantes de Ciencias de la Computación tienen la oportunidad de cursar el ciclo de Programación de Aplicaciones, una serie de cursos desde 8º a 10ºdonde el objetivo es aprender el lenguaje de programación Swift, un lenguaje moderno y de alto nivel que se usa como herramienta poderosa para el desarrollo de aplicaciones para el ecosistema de Apple: iPad, macOS, iPhone, etc.

Los cursos están orientados en torno a proyectos obligatorios que, empezando en 9º, generan sencillas aplicaciones muy similares a las de la Apple Store. Cuando un estudiante aprende más rápido que el ritmo de la clase, se le encomienda un proyecto adicional diseñado para mantener su enganche en la asignatura a la par de fortalecer sus habilidades. Este es el caso de Nicolás Sefair de 9º, que desarrolló uno de estos proyectos adicionales.

Nicolás desarrolló una aplicación llamada “contador de clics†que consiste en un contador inicializado en cero, que puede alternarse en intervalos de a uno al presionar uno de dos botones: uno para incrementar y otro para disminuir. La aplicación muestra el conteo actual en pantalla y cambia el color de fondo en un orden cÃ

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