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Language Show and Tell Day – Real World English Class – Middle School

Students from 7th Grade presented their music video clips during Rochester’s Language Show and Tell day. It was a wonderful opportunity to show their understanding of character and personality traits learned in the Real World English class. Furthermore, students showed their creativity and explained to Middle School students what they learned in terms of vocabulary, grammar, and other different skills involved in this activity called ‘This is Me.’

Gustavo Maglioni Real World English Class Teacher

Resumen: Los estudiantes de 6º Grado presentaron sus videoclips musicales durante el Language Show and Tell del Colegio Rochester. Fue una oportunidad maravillosa para mostrar su comprensión de los rasgos de carácter y personalidad aprendidos en la clase de inglés del mundo real. Además, los estudiantes mostraron su creatividad y explicaron a los estudiantes de Middle School lo que aprendieron en términos de vocabulario, gramática y otras diferentes habilidades involucradas en esta actividad llamada ‘This is Me’.

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