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Ipads! A great tool for young learners – English Class – PK

Ipads! A great tool for young learners.

Pk Students enjoy using iPads during English class. This is a perfect way to enhance language learners to increase their skills through the use of technology.

A variety of activities can be carried out with children using these devices and the applications designed for this age.

Students are able to listen to stories, identify characters and answer simple questions using everyday vocabulary.

Listen and repeat new words, build simple sentences, identify pictures and match them with the corresponding word. Organize a sequence of events and learn songs and chants. Practice fine motor skills tracing letters and words using the correct directionality.

Having this resource in class is a great opportunity for students and teachers to celebrate learning together.

Carolina Sandino English teacher PK B Coordinator.

Resumen: Ipads! Una gran herramienta para nuestros estudiantes de Pre JardÃ




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