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I Am an Olympian – Virtues Integrated Project – 7th Grade

Webinar with Will Barton – Men’s Basketball Support Staff – Kentucky University

Within the framework of the development of the Virtues Integrated Project with the students of 7thABCD, we had the great opportunity to contact Mr. Will Barton – Director of Basketball Administration who, thanks to his great knowledge of the subject in terms of “Sports Welfare” and the functions he performs as a member of the Staff of the seven-time winner of the United States university league (NCAA- National Collegiate Athletic Association ) men’s basketball team of the University of Kentucky (Lexington – Kentucky), contributed directly to the subject that concerns the concepts and guiding questions that move the development of our Virtues Integrated Project.

As Director of the Administrative Department of the team, Mr. Barton works in association with the director of athletic training, developing the day to day of the different activities and care of the men’s basketball team, which include: budget, academic development, travel management, meals, box office and different tasks with managers of the institution.

The questions that the students proposed were aimed at investigating three fundamental points regarding how the athlete in training is supported both physically and academically, we talked about Integral Health in the team, we investigated how the Quality World of the players is taken into account and in which way they manage the triumphs and the defeats of the athletes, taking into account their Emotional and Mental Health.

Each and every one of the contributions given by Mr. Barton were very useful when raising awareness about how an athlete after all is a human being with strengths and weaknesses, how this is reflected in situations of success or defeat and how we can associate it in the daily lives of our students in terms of their academic and social lives, and their Integral Health. Taking all that into consideration, our students are able to be successful, Olympians and high performance human beings.

Below you can find Mr. Barton´s Webinar Video

7thABCD Family Coordinators (Patty Muñeton, Sthefano Venga, Ricardo Baquero and Mauricio Quintero)

Resumen: Charla con Will Barton – Men’s Basketball Support Staff – Kentucky University

En el Marco del desarrollo del proyecto integrado con los estudiantes de 6oABCD, tuvimos la grandiosa oportunidad de contactar a sr. Will Barton – Director of Basketball Administration quien gracias a su magno conocimiento del tema en cuanto a “Bienestar Deportivo†y las funciones que cumple como integrante del Staff del siete veces ganador de la liga universitaria de los Estados Unidos (NCAA- National Collegiate Athletic Association) equipo masculino de Basketball de la Universidad de Kentucky (Lexington – Kentucky), nos aportó directamente en el tema que compete a los conceptos y las preguntas orientadoras que mueven la construcción del mencionado proyecto.

Como Director del departamento administrativo del equipo, el sr. Barton trabaja en asociación con el director de formación atlética desarrollando el dÃ

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