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Go to Platform for Prek to 3rd Grade

We are pleased to announce that Rochester School will use Seesaw as a platform for student learning progress. Some of the features the platform offers are:

  1. Students will be able to upload their learning evidences and create digital portfolios.

  2. Teachers can empower students to create, reflect, share, and collaborate.

  3. Students “show what they know” using photos, videos, drawings, texts, PDFs, and links. 

  4. It is simple to get student work in one place and share with families. Nothing is shared without teacher approval.

  5. Seesaw enables teachers to give immediate feedback so that students can self-evaluate and improve learning. 

With Seesaw for Schools, portfolios conduct follow-up on students during their entire journey at a school, thus making it possible to track progress over time and build a complete record of learning. Comprehensive portfolios are easily accessible to administrators, teachers, students and families. 

As a wide digital portfolio and family communication platform, SeeSaw will help Rochester School contribute to overall school objectives.

Resumen: Queremos compartir con ustedes que el Colegio Rochester está en el proceso de implementar el uso de la plataforma SeeSaw para Preescolar y Primaria Baja. Esta plataforma permite que los niños suban sus evidencias de aprendizaje, creando portafolios digitales. Los estudiantes pueden crear, compartir, dibujar, grabar videos o audio clips que les ayudan a demostrar las competencias esperadas. Los docentes pueden dar feedback y el estudiante mejorar su trabajo continuamente, de acuerdo con los criterios de clases basadas en las competencias. Los padres pueden ver los trabajos de sus hijos y comunicarse con los docentes. Estamos seguros de que SeeSaw nos ayudará a lograr nuestras metas institucionales. 

María Consuelo Añez Academic Director Pk – 3rd Grade




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Inspiring and educating students to take charge of their lives with the world in mind. 

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