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First Graders Visit China – Spanish Class – 1st Grade

First Grade students continue to meet, learn and have fun while traveling through different countries; On this occasion, during their visit to the continent of Asia, specifically in China, they had the opportunity to directly experience learning through activities such as painting the map of this extensive country and, in turn, recognizing its capital, as well as having contact with the flagship flag of this place; on the other hand, they wrote their names using the alphabet of Chinese letters, they received the red envelope (hóngbāo) which is one of the many traditions of China, in an envelope they kept a message written by them and a representative bill. They also made a Chinese lantern which they decorated with the different elements that are part of this culture.

And to close the activity with a flourish, they listened to the reading of the story “Ruby’s wish” and from this audio, they wrote three sentences in their notebook related to what they heard in the story.

They also learned about traditional Chinese dance and watched a short Chinese Lion show.

Claudia Liliana Vásquez Teacher of Real World Spanish in 1st ABC & 2nd A

Resumen:Los niños de Transición siguen conociendo, aprendiendo y divirtiéndose mientras recorren diferentes países; en esta ocasión en su visita a el continente de Asia, específicamente en la China, tuvieron la oportunidad de vivir de manera directa aprendizajes a través de actividades como pintar el mapa de este extenso país y a su vez reconocer su capital, al igual que tener contacto con la bandera insignia de este lugar; por otro lado, escribieron sus nombres usando el abecedario de letras chinas, recibieron el sobre rojo (hóngbāo) el cual es una de las muchas tradiciones de China, en un sobre guardaron un mensaje escrito por ellos y un billete representativo. También elaboraron un farol chino el cual decoraron con los diferentes elementos que hacen parte de esta cultura.

Y para cerrar la actividad con broche de oro escucharon la lectura del cuento “El deseo de Ruby” y a partir de este audio escribieron tres oraciones en su cuaderno relacionadas con lo que escucharon en la historia.

También conocieron el tradicional baile chino y observaron un corto espectáculo del León Chino.

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