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En Busca de la Excelencia Académica

Por Andrea Polanco

Directora de Bachillerato 2

Como colegio nos sentimos muy orgullosos de nuestros ex-alumnos. En esta oportunidad, queremos compartir con ustedes un importante logro de nuestra ex-alumna Mariana Vazquez, quien ha recibido la distinción de Excelencia Semestral por haber obtenido el mejor promedio semestral del programa de estudios globales por dos semestres consecutivos. Esta distinción se la otorga la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de los Andes.

Felicitamos a Mariana y a su familia por sus logros académicos y sabemos que su ejemplo impacta a otros estudiantes del colegio que buscan la excelencia académica. Nos sentimos muy orgullosos de Mariana y le deseamos muchos más éxitos en su vida profesional. 


In Pursuit of Academic Excellence

By Andrea Polanco High School 2 Director

As a school, we are very proud of our alumni. On this occasion, we would like to share an important achievement of our former student, Mariana Vazquez, who has received the distinction of Semester Excellence for having achieved the highest semester GPA in the Global Studies program for two consecutive semesters. This distinction is awarded by the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Los Andes.

We congratulate Mariana and her family on her academic achievements, and we know that her example will inspire other students at our school who are striving for academic excellence. We are extremely proud of Mariana and wish her continued success in her professional life.



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Inspiring and educating students to take charge of their lives with the world in mind. 

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