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District 9 From Another Perspective

Several high school teachers created and taught a seminar for 10th grade students about the science fiction movie “District 9”. We analyzed the film from different disciplines of knowledge: Physics, Sustainability, Discourse Analysis, Statistics, Economics, History and Narrative Structure Analysis.

As a product of this seminar, our students created some articles about what they learned in order to communicate it to 8th Grade children.

Please enjoy these articles:

Varios profesores de bachillerato alto creamos e impartimos un seminario para los estudiantes de Noveno Grado acerca de la película de ciencia ficción “District 9”. Analizamos el filme desde diversas disciplinas del conocimiento: Física, Sostenibilidad, Análisis del Discurso, Estadística, Economía, Historia y Análisis de la Estructura Narrativa.

As a product of the seminar, our students created a series of articles about what they learned in order to communicate it to seventh graders. 

Juan Francisco Gómez Zamudio

Spanish Curriculum Director

Spanish Teacher

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