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Congratulations to Maria Luisa Cordovez for her diploma as Specialist in Personal and Family Develop

Last week we received great news from Maria Luisa Cordovez, who received her diploma as a Specialist in Personal and Family Development from the Universidad de la Sabana. Maria Luisa thanks Juan Pablo Aljure sharing the following words: “I want to share this personal and professional achievement with you because thanks to the opportunity you gave me, your support, and your trust, I was able to achieve this goal.”

In addition, we congratulate Maria Luisa for being a distinguished student who obtained the highest average among her peers in the program and stood out for her good behavior and university spirit. Congratulations, Maria Luisa, and may the success continue!

Catherine Rodriguez  Lions’ Honor Assistant Coordinator

Resumen: Felicidades a Maria Luisa Cordovez por su diploma de Especialista en desarrollo Personal y Familiar de la Universidad de la Sabana! La semana pasada recibimos la gran noticia de Maria Luisa Cordovez, exalumna, quien recibio su diploma de Especialista en desarrollo Personal y Familiar de la Universidad de la Sabana. Maria Luisa agradece a Juan Pablo Aljure escribiendo las siguientes palabras: “Quiero compartir este logro personal y profesional contigo porque gracias a la oportunidad que me diste, a tu apoyo y tu confianza pude alcanzar esta meta.†Ademas, felicitamos a Maria Luisa por ser una estudiante distinguida y quien obtuvo el promedio mas alto entre sus companeros del programa y sobresalio por su buena conducta y espiritu universitario. Felicidades Maria Luisa y que continuen los exitos!




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