This trimester we were studying historical texts and the value that some objects, customs or traditions have as time goes by. So we did a creative exercise thinking about what we consider valuable from our school and what we would like to pass on to other generations. For this, we made a script and a video thinking about sending a message to students who will be 10 years old in 2050. Below I share with you one of the works made.
Video made by Mariana Palomino Puche 4C
A message to the future
This quarter we were studying historical texts and the value that some objects, customs or traditions have over time. So we did a creative exercise thinking about what we consider valuable from our school and what we would like to pass on to other generations. For this, we made a script and a video thinking about sending a message to students who will be 10 years old in 2050. Below I share with you one of the works done.
Lelio Ariza
Spanish teacher 4th and 5th Grade