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A Message of Optimism From Our Seniors

Seniors crafted messages in the Servant Leadership class to continue seeing life through the lenses of optimism during this time of confinement. Optimism is one of the values we have chosen as a community to face the challenges we have encountered and it is reassuring to read what our Seniors have to say. Plato said many centuries ago that “beauty lies in the eyes of the beholderâ€. Dear Seniors: Thanks for your resilience and strength to move on and give your best!

Resumen: Los estudiantes de 11º grado elaboraron en la clase de Liderazgo de Servicio mensajes para continuar con optimismo en este tiempo de confinamiento. Platón dijo hace unos siglos, “la belleza está en los ojos de quien la contemplaâ€. Queridos Seniors: ¡Gracias por su resiliencia y fortaleza para seguir adelante y dar lo mejor de sÃ

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Inspiring and educating students to take charge of their lives with the world in mind. 

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